Talks with Tyler ISD
Talks with Tyler ISD, a podcast about passionate people who have a heart for students. The host, Jennifer Hines, Chief Communications Officer at Tyler ISD will be talking to a variety of guests, and each episode will focus on specific topics for you, the Tyler ISD community. We’ll cover things from district-wide objectives and initiatives, down to inspiring stories from our own teachers in the classrooms.
Talks with Tyler ISD
Andrea Martinez – Talks Double Diplomas
In our latest episode of Talks With Tyler ISD, we're joined by Andrea Martinez, a senior at Early College High School (ECHS). Andrea takes us on her educational journey, unveiling why ECHS was the perfect fit for her and how earning both her associate degree and high school diploma aligns seamlessly with her career goals.
If you're deciding whether to apply, Andrea's firsthand experience provides essential insights into what you need to know about the type of student who would find ECHS particularly appealing. From academic advantages to a supportive environment, she paints a vivid picture of what makes ECHS stand out.
FOOTER: If you want to hear more news about the district, download our app in the app store or sign up for our district newsletter at get.TylerISD.news.